克鲁勃KLUBER SYNTHESO GLEP 1润滑脂授权代理商

  • 2023-09-01 10:15 1211
  • 产品价格:1400.00 元/罐
  • 发货地址:辽宁辽阳 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 罐产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:205316234公司编号:23077181
  • 王雪 销售经理 微信 13841976707
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    相关产品: 克鲁勃代理商


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Klüber Syntheso GLEP 1

KlüberSynthesoGLEP 1是一种润滑脂,含有EP添加剂,与EPDM兼容


 - 特殊润滑脂,用于弹性体的装配和终身润滑

 - 对于大多数滑动材料配对几乎是中性的,如EPDM /金属或塑料

 - 减少摩擦和磨损


SYNTHESO GLEP 1是一种润滑剂,适用于各种应用,对许多弹性体(包括EPDM)和塑料(PC和ABS除外)几乎呈中性。 SYNTHESO GLEP 1可在较宽的使用温度范围内使用,并提供防磨损保护,良好的附着力和耐水性。


SYNTHESO GLEP专为金属 -金属润滑而设计;弹性体 -金属,塑料 -金属,塑料 -塑料滑动材料组合。该产品通常用于汽车工业中作为滑动轴承的组装润滑脂,例如滑动轴承。用于与制动液接触的直线运动的制动器和离合器系统DOT 3,4和5.1。应用示例:导向衬套和螺栓,EPDM和SBR密封件,离合器主从缸,盘式制动卡钳中的制动衬块支撑的防腐蚀,制动助力器和弹性轴承的降噪,转向柱的密封。在这些应用中,SYNTHESO GLEP 1便于组装并提供可靠的润滑。由于其对EPDM弹性体具有良好的耐受性,SYNTHESO GLEP 1主要用于汽车制动器,因为它与硅脂相比具有更好的优势,例如更好的承载能力,良好的附着力和与电触点的兼容性。


SYNTHESO GLEP 1可以通过刷子,刮刀,油脂枪或通常的中央润滑系统来施加。在动态高负荷条件下,在铝或铝合金的背景下使用SYNTHESO GLEP 1之前,应进行磨损试验。由于有许多不同的弹性体和塑料成分,我们建议在批量应用之前检查它们的相容性。颜色变化的可能性是该产品概念中固有的。但是,它对产品性能没有影响。

Klüber Syntheso GLEP 1Is a special lubricating grease with EP additives, compatible with EPDM

Benefits for your application

– Special lubricating grease for the assembly and lifetime lubrication of elastomers

– Almost neutral towards most sliding material pairings like EPDM/metal or plastic

– Reduces friction and wear


SYNTHESO GLEP 1 is a special lubricant for a wide variety of applications with an almost neutral behaviour towards many elastomers (including EPDM) and plastics (except PC and ABS). SYNTHESO GLEP 1 can be used in a wide service temperature range and offers efficient protection against wear, good adhesion and resistance to water.


SYNTHESO GLEP has been designed for the lubrication of metal – metal; elastomer – metal, plastic – metal, plastic – plastic sliding material combinations. The product is typically used in the automotive industry as assembly grease for plain bearings, e.g. in brake and clutch systems for linear motion in contact with brake fluids DOT 3, 4 and 5.1. Application examples: guide bushes and bolts, EPDM and SBR seals, clutch master and slave cylinders, corrosion protection of brake pad supports in disc brake calipers, brake boosters and noise reduction in elastic axle bearings, seals of steering columns. In such applications, SYNTHESO GLEP 1 facilitates assembly and provides reliable lubrication. Due to its good resistance to EPDM elastomers, SYNTHESO GLEP 1 is mainly used in car brakes as it offers good advantages versus silicone greases, like better load-carrying capacity, good adhesion and compatibility with electric contacts.

Application notes

SYNTHESO GLEP 1 can be applied by brush, spatula, grease gun or the usual central lubrication systems. A wear test should be carried out prior to using SYNTHESO GLEP 1 in context with aluminum or aluminum alloys under dynamically high load conditions. Owing to the many different elastomer and plastic compositions we recommend checking their compatibility prior to series application. The possibility of a change in colour is inherent in this product concept. It has, however, no influence on product performance.

欢迎来到辽宁恒润石油化工有限公司网站,我公司位于有着2400多年历史的文化古城—辽阳市。 具体地址是辽宁辽阳新运大街龙城盛汇35-5号,负责人是李树勇。
联系电话是86-0419-5590890-, 主要经营化工产品、润滑油脂、轴承、钢材。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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