克鲁勃代理KLUBER ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 N全合成润滑脂

  • 2023-09-01 10:15 1191
  • 产品价格:700.00 元/罐
  • 发货地址:辽宁辽阳 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 罐产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:205316248公司编号:23077181
  • 王雪 销售经理 微信 13841976707
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Klüber Isoflex Topas L 32 N

KlüberIsoflexTopas L 32是一种合成烃油。


 - 超过OEM要求-40°C

 - 由于高腐蚀保护和抗氧化和老化,使用寿命长

 - 多年在汽车行业成功使用(由大多数汽车制造商和零部件供应商指定和批准)


ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32和L 32 N设计用于极低温度。这些润滑脂由合成烃油和特殊锂皂组成。ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32和L 32 N耐老化和抗氧化,并提供良好的防腐蚀性和防水性。

ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 N还含有紫外线指示剂,即使在小量的润滑下也能确保质量检测。


ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32和L 32 N特别用于汽车工程中用于电气调节机构的小齿轮的润滑,例如,车窗升降器,太阳屋顶,座椅,前大灯,风扇襟翼。这两款产品均已获得知名汽车制造商的认可,如

 -  Volkswagen VW TL 778 A.

 - 戴姆勒DBL 6827.40和

 - 戴姆勒DBL 6827.41。

ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32和L 32 N也可用于:

 - 导轨,鲍登线,门锁

 - 小型电动机,风扇,泵的滚动轴承

 - 塑料/塑料齿轮(例如POM,PA和PBT)或塑料/钢材料组合的齿面。



Klüber Isoflex Topas L 32 Is a synthetic hydrocarbon oil.

Benefits for your application

– Exceed OEM requirements of -40 °C

– Long service life due to high corrosion protection and resistance to oxidation and ageing

– Many years of successful use in the automotive industry (specified and approved by most car manufacturers and component suppliers worldwide)


ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 and L 32 N have been designed for extremely low temperatures. These greases consist of a synthetic hydrocarbon oil and a special lithium soap. ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 and L 32 N are resistant to ageing and oxidation and provide good corrosion protection as well as water resistance.

ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 N also contains a UV indicator, which ensures quality checking even with minimum quantity lubrication.


ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 and L 32 N are especially used for the lubrication of small gears used in automotive engineering for electrical adjustment mechanisms, e.g. window lifters, sun roofs, seats, headlamps, fan flaps. Both products have been approved by renowned car manufacturers, such as

– Volkswagen VW TL 778 A

– Daimler DBL 6827.40 and

– Daimler DBL 6827.41.

ISOFLEX TOPAS L 32 and L 32 N can also be used for:

– guideways, bowden cables, door locks

– rolling bearings in small motors, fans, pumps

– tooth flanks in plastic/plastic gears (e.g. POM, PA and PBT) or plastic/steel material combinations.

Application notes

The lubricant is applied by spatula, brush, grease gun or cartridge.

欢迎来到辽宁恒润石油化工有限公司网站,我公司位于有着2400多年历史的文化古城—辽阳市。 具体地址是辽宁辽阳新运大街龙城盛汇35-5号,负责人是李树勇。
联系电话是86-0419-5590890-, 主要经营化工产品、润滑油脂、轴承、钢材。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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