代理克鲁勃Kluberoil 4 UH1-220N食品加工制药行业润滑油

    代理克鲁勃Kluberoil 4 UH1-220N食品加工制药行业润滑油

  • 2023-09-01 10:15 1271
  • 产品价格:7300.00 元/桶
  • 发货地址:辽宁辽阳 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 桶产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:205316259公司编号:23077181
  • 王雪 销售经理 微信 13841976707
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价


克鲁勃石油4 UH1-220 N


Klüberoil4 UH1 N是一种基于聚α-烯烃的合成高性能齿轮和多用途油,可满足现代齿轮不断增长的需求和不断增长的功率密度。 Klüberoil4 UH1 N基于高级原材料和高级添加剂,可在润滑所有齿轮部件时发挥性能。

Klüberoil4 UH1 N已注册为NSF H1,可用于食品加工和制药行业,并符合FDA 21 CFR Sec 178.3570。它被开发用于食品加工,化妆品,制药或动物饲料行业中与产品和包装材料的偶然接触。使用Klüberoil4 UH1 N可以提高生产过程的可靠性。不过,建议进行其他风险分析,例如HACCP

Klüberoil4 UH1 N的使用寿命比矿物油和白油长得多,这归因于所选原材料的抗老化性和抗氧化性。因此可以延长维修间隔并降低维护成本。在某些应用中,甚至可以终身润滑。该产品的低起泡趋势和抗腐蚀性能使齿轮操作无问题。由于与弹性体具有良好的相容性,可防止因漏油而导致污染。



Klüberoil4 UH1 N已通过SEW EurodriveGetriebebau NordStöberAntriebstechnikLenzeSumitomoBonfiglioliBreviniSTMWatt Drive等的认证。

Klüberoil 4 UH1-220 N

Synthetic gear and multipurpose oil for the food-processing and pharmaceutical industries

Klüberoil 4 UH1 N is a synthetic high-performance gear and multipurpose oil based on polyalphaolefin satisfying the growing requirements and increasing power density of modern gears. Klüberoil 4 UH1 N is based on high-grade raw materials and advanced additives, enabling maximum performance in the lubrication of all gear components.

Klüberoil 4 UH1 N is registered as NSF H1 for use in the food-processing and pharmaceutical industries and complies with FDA 21 CFR Sec 178.3570. It was developed for incidental contact with products and packaging materials in the food-processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical or animal feed industries. The use of Klüberoil 4 UH1 N can contribute to increase reliability of your production processes. Nevertheless it is recommended to conduct an additional risk analysis, e.g. HACCP.

Klüberoil 4 UH1 N offers a much longer service life than mineral and white oils due to the excellent ageing and oxidation resistance of the selected raw materials; thus service intervals can be extended and maintenance costs reduced. In certain applications, even lifetime lubrication is possible. The product's low foaming tendency and anti-corrosive properties enable problem-free gear operation. Oil leakage leading to contamination is prevented due to the good compatibility with elastomers.

The good viscosity-temperature behaviour supports the formation of a sufficient lubricant film across a wide service temperature range, even at elevated and high temperatures. Therefore, a single viscosity grade can cover both low and high temperatures in many applications.

The optimised friction behaviour enabled by the carefully selected base oils reduces power loss and improves gear efficiency.

Klüberoil 4 UH1 N is approved by SEW Eurodrive, Getriebebau Nord, Stöber Antriebstechnik, Lenze, Sumitomo, Bonfiglioli, Brevini, STM, Watt Drive, etc.

欢迎来到辽宁恒润石油化工有限公司网站,我公司位于有着2400多年历史的文化古城—辽阳市。 具体地址是辽宁辽阳新运大街龙城盛汇35-5号,负责人是李树勇。
联系电话是86-0419-5590890-, 主要经营化工产品、润滑油脂、轴承、钢材。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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